
The Matrix Unplugged

Desde el 3  al 19 de Octubre 2024
In a bold and hilarious reimagining of The Matrix, “The Matrix Unplugged” breaks the boundary between performer and spectator. Every performance features a unique twist: a different audience member is chosen each night to step into the iconic role of Neo, the One destined to free humanity from the grips of the Matrix. With zero preparation, the chosen participant must navigate a world of illusion, choice, and danger, aided by the ensemble cast portraying Morpheus, Trinity, Agent Smith and the rest of the iconic characters.

This interactive, high-stakes performance immerses the audience in the heart of the narrative, blurring lines between reality and fiction. As the new Neo makes decisions that shape the story’s direction, no two performances are ever the same. Themes of destiny, free will, and self-discovery come alive in unexpected ways as the chosen one fights to see beyond the veil of the Matrix.

“The Matrix Unplugged” is a thrilling and funny fusion of audience participation, live theater, and cinematic nostalgia, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience every night—where anyone could be the hero, and everyone is part of the story. Will you be the One?
Elige la función

Función del 03 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 04 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 05 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 10 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 11 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 12 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 17 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 18 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

Función del 19 de Octubre

The Matrix Unplugged
Lugar: Teatro Guild De Ancón
Hora: 8:00 Pm

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